Lef Hospital , as an institution, is unwilling to compromise with the quality of the services we offer, irrespective of the fact whether such services are meant for the rich or the poor.

Our resources are limited, and when we found that our instrument for retinal surgery were showing some signs of strain owing to the constant use it has been subjected to, and the resources available with were inadequate for this kind of capital investment immediately,

We went around with begging bowls seeking funds for procuring another such instrument.

The instrument was costly and the need was urgent. We sought for funds from our friends and well wishers.

Fortunately for us, our friends include those who have renounced their own worldly interests to serve mankind.

Swami Chetananandaji Maharaj, a monk of the Ramakrishna Order and currently the Minister of Vedanta Society of Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri, who has also authored a large number of very popular books on Ramakrishna Vivekananda movemen and ideology, Swami Sarvadevanandaji Maharaj, the Minister and Spiritual Leader of the Vedanta Society of Southern California, of the Ramakrishna Order and Swami Atmajnananandaji Maharaj ( born Stuart Elkman) another monk of the Ramakrishna Order, (who has a Ph.D. in oriental studies from the University of Pennsylvania) and is currently the resident Minister at the Vedanta Center of Greater Washington, DC, in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, came forward to help the Hospital out.

We could procure a Galaxy Turbo Orbit- Vitrectomy machine with the funds raised by these monks for the Hospital,

We were fortunate that Swami Chetananandaji Maharaj was visiting our campus when the machine was installed, and he inaugurated and blessed it at our request.

We humbly acknowledge our gratitude to these Revered monks who have also been supporting the Filix School of Educations with all kinds of Resources for the past few years.

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