Eye Hospital located
at Para, Purulia'
About Us
NANRITAM , a not for profit welfare organization, upon undertaking the integrated rural development project in the extreme remote, underdeveloped and tribal villages of Purulia , West Bengal, realized that eye problems especially cataract induced blindness is a major health issue among the concerned population. Lack of awareness (that the eye problem is treatable) coupled with absence of proper medical services was pushing significant proportion of the concerned population into the realm of darkness. Handicapped by loss of sight, the affected people ceased to remain a productive member of the society and hence became a burden for their families and society at large.

Our Inspiration

Lokeswarananda Eye Foundation is named after Swami Lokeswarananda Maharaj, the highly revered monk of the Ramakrishna Order. His life was a living example of the ideology. Swami Vivekananda preached- “Service to man is service to God”. Guided by this philosophy, Lokeswarananda Eye Foundation began its humble journey in 2008 as a 6-bedded Eye unit and gradually grew to be a 100- bedded Tertiary care Eye Hospital as it is to-day. Our sincere effort is to make Lokeswarananda Eye Foundation an instrument of the Divine will. It is in that spirit that we meet our day to day success as well as our hard-ships and limitations.

At Lokeswarananda Eye Foundation, we believe that each individual has the right to live with dignity and independence. Absence of vision makes a person dependent on others and a liability to their families. The most vulnerable population are those residing in remote,
Total Patients Examined
Total Surgery
patients treats per year
We do it for People in need


Kalyan Kumar Banerjee

Swami Chetananda Maharaj

Dr. Kaushik Basu

Swami Vagishanandaji Maharaj

Swami Balbhadranandaji Maharaj
What We Did
Ongoing Projects
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March to a Million goal is to deliver a sustainable One Million free eye surgeries annually by 2027
Fortunately, nearly 90% of them can easily be cured if they receive proper treatment.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

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